Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Why does the Siberian Husky have blue eyes?

Why does the Siberian Husky have blue eyes? In some breeds of dogs, eye color is associated with fur color. However, what about other dogs, such as the Siberian Husky, with piercing blue eyes? How do scientists explain that?

The results of a large study, which compared the genetic profiles of dogs, showed that these are genes that determine blue eyes. Scientists tested more than 6,000 dog samples, whose owners procured DNA test kits to determine dog breeds and investigate the potential risk of disease.

Thanks to dog owners, the scientists had access to a large amount of data.

Why does the Siberian Husky have blue eyes?
Why does the Siberian Husky have blue eyes?

It was discovered that the genetic change, ie the mutation that is close to the ALX4 gene, is related to the eye color of the Siberian Husky. According to geneticist Christopher Irizarry of the Western University of Science and Medicine, many breeds have blue eyes, but these species are a specific type of blue that is a recessive trait.

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Namely, it means that two mutated copies of the gene are needed for the appearance of blue eyes.

Mutation of the ALX4 gene in Siberian huskies stimulates reduced pigment production in the eye. It is a lack of pigment that causes the eyes to turn blue. Irizarry explains that there is no blue pigment and that light enters and leaves the eye, thus creating a blue color.


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